Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mille Pates

How many times have we driven past this little place on the main drag in St. Jovite?  It's a modest looking spot, doesn't scream out for attention, doesn't have a faux 1920's Quebecois edifice like some of the nearby neighbours.  But Mille Pates is an instant favourite after just one visit.

We dropped in on a cold November afternoon when St. Jovite is relatively quiet, the locals taking a break and preparing for the winter onslaught of tourists.  When you first walk in, you see a glass deli-style counter full of delights - fresh pastas of all shapes, and a variety of jarred sauces.  So at first it appears to be a takeout place, whicb it is.  We decided to eat in, and Mille Pates has a few dozen seats to the right for just this purpose. 

We were just one of two tables on this quiet day, so no strain on the waitress, but she was efficient and attentive.  She also went along with our broken French as we ordered and jumped in with some sympathy English to help us out.  The menu had about six or seven offerings written up on the chalk board - I like this as it shows they're changing the menu often and not just trotting out the same stuff into eternity.  The pastas were fantastic - I had an amazing ravioli and Karen had the most original lasagna ever, both clearly home made.  We were also delighted with the wine list...again, not dozens of choices but what they had were excellent and all available by the glass.

Mille Pates definitely lived up to the rave reviews we saw on Trip Advisor and other ratings sites.  Just another example of the excellent dining available in St. Jovite!

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