Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jan 2, 2014 - Brr Cold

Karen ambles down our frozen road
My Dad Skyped me today from sunny Mexico where he spends the winter.  He gloated about his afternoon ocean swim, beach walk and happy hour by the pool with his buddies.  By contrast, Tremblant is in a deep freeze, the duration of which has perfectly coincided with our annual post-Christmas visit.  For the better part of a week, we haven't seen a temperature above -20 degrees Celsius.  Of course, this is nothing compared to the winters my Dad endured back in the 1930's in Saskatchewan, which he reminded me of in his t-shirt and shorts.  He was disappointed that we had foregone downhill skiing on account of the weather, but I don't care.  This is the frigid weather we had heard so much about...just mention Mont Tremblant and anyone you talk to says "wow, it gets really cold there".

But really, we haven't encountered that much of these temperatures.  But they do hit occasionally, and when we do, we invoke our Brrr Cold measures.

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