Monday, January 14, 2019

Les Brasseurs de Montebello

Montebello is a small Quebec town located on the Ottawa river about half way between Ottawa and Montreal.  Or in our case, about half way from Ottawa to Mont Tremblant!  The town is perhaps best known for the impressive and historic Chateau Montebello, a massive hotel that claims to be the world's largest log cabin.  But there is a hidden gem, namely Les Brasseurs de Montebello.

We discovered this little brewery a few years ago when we took an overnighter into Montebello.  We took in Parc Omega, stayed at the Chateau and golfed their course the next day.  In between, we checked out the little town and among cheese and chocolate shops, we found the brewery.  It's a quaint little house on the main street with a wrap-around patio and cosy interior.  The size of the pub belies the scale of this operation - Montebello brews their beer off-premises and sells bottle beers at hundreds of retail locations throughout the province.  I have yet to see their beer on tap anywhere, except of course at their pub.

Amazing tap selection at Montebello pub
And an impressive tap selection it is.  On our recent visit, there were 19 Montebello selections on tap, all available and all fresh.  The beer is quality and we like the range of alcohol content, starting at 3.1% and ranging up to 6.5.  There is little in the way of food - just paninis and some packaged selections from local shops - but we love this place just the same.  It's quite a distance from Tremblant, perhaps a 45 minute drive.  But well worth it if you're ever in the region!

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