Friday, October 4, 2013

Animal Farm, Petting Zoo

Goats love Karen
My wife goes crazy for petting zoos.  They don't need to be huge, nor contain exotic animals...give her a few goats and a pony and she's delighted.  So imagine her exuberance to have found Du Coq A L'ane Des Laurentides, a working farm just south of Brebeuf that features a wide range of animals and welcomes visitors.    Brebeuf is about ten minutes south of St. Jovite along the 323, and Coq A L'ane is about another 10 minutes south along a pretty side road.  Apparently they have a lovely sand beach along the nearby Rouge river, but it poured rain the day we were there so we didn't check it out.  Anyway, it's an option for a picnic if you so chose.

Despite the rain, we were treated not only to the cute animals, but also a Medieval Fair.  That's right, archery demonstrations, armored knight battles, chain mail jewelry, and of course a grog tent.  We may have stayed longer had the skies not opened up, but it was a fun afternoon and we even got the chance to try our hand with a bow and arrow (we sucked).  but mostly, we were there for the animals.  Fancy chickens, llamas, rabbits, goats, ponies and more.  Always a riot!

We weren't kidding about the Medieval fair

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