Monday, August 5, 2013

Road Biking

My wife and I aren't big road bikers, but we know lots of people who are.  And those folks would be absolutely delighted with the range of cycling available in the greater Tremblant area.  Even in the three years we've been here, we've seen improvements and expansion of paved trails through the woods, as well the addition of dedicated bike lanes along both urban and rural roads.  In preparation for the very successful Ironman in 2012, many kilometres of road were freshly paved, making conditions even more ideal.

While there is plenty of great cycling in the immediate Mont Tremblant area, perhaps the most picturesque is on the many rural roads that fan out from the town centre.  The road to Arundel (Hwy 327, aka Rue Leonard) is particularly beautiful and sections of it recently paved.  Karen and I also enjoyed biking the 8th line (8ieme rang) from approximately St. Jovite Station to St-Faustin-Lac-Carre.  This was a challenging ride with many steep hills, but a quiet road with many beautiful views of the surrounding Laurentians.  And as it happens in some of these small rural towns, there an opportunity to stop at the bar and drink like the locals!

Drink like the locals in St-Faustin-Lac Carre

The Velo Mont-Tremblant website has a great route map with suggested itineraries based on the time available and your fitness level.  Enjoy!

Karen explores a creek we discovered off the road

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