Thursday, May 19, 2016

Unofficial Guide to Mont Tremblant: 20k Visits!

Karen ponders the wild success of her husband's blog
That's right - my little fledgling blog has surpassed 20,000 page views!  I remember the early days when I got my first spike of traffic, but soon figured out it was just a bot crawling my site.  But soon, the legit traffic came from actual readers, sharing my passion for Mont Tremblant and the Laurentians, eager to discover the many delights of this region.  Blogger gives you great statistical analysis and here are a few of the deep insights I've found:

  • For a blog about Mont Tremblant, known best for skiing, I actually get relatively few hits about winter sports and most about hiking and kayaking
  • When the Canadian dollar drops, I see more traffic from the USA and hits on my "French and English" post gets more hits.  Economists call this a lag indicator.
  • My post on Mosquitoes and Black Flies get the most hits every spring...go figure!
  • While 75% of my traffic comes from Canada and the USA, I've had visits from 10 different countries around the world
  • My article on car rental has received a paltry 8 visits, and it's been up since 2012.  Maybe give it a pity visit just to goose the stats.
Thanks for your visits...if you enjoy reading this blog, don't hesitate to drop me a comment!

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